
1. Instability in a rotating, stratified fluid

2. Noncanonical Hamiltonian mechanics and stability

3. Taylor-Couette instability

4. Instability in equatorial stratosphere

5. The hydrostatic approximation

My research is on the stability of axisymmetric zonal flows in the equatorial stratosphere. To be in equilibrium the velocity and temperature fields must be such that the Coriolis, gravitational, and pressure-gradient forces balance each other. This condition is known as thermal wind balance. The stability of the equilibrium depends on the signs of the temperature and velocity gradients.

An unstable zonal flow may be interpreted physically as either convectively or inertially unstable, or a combination of the two, depending on whether the instability is primarily due to the temperature distribution, or the velocity distribution. If potential temperature decreases with height, then a small parcel of air displaced upwards would be less dense than its surroundings and continue to rise. If the instability extends over a finite region, it results in overturning cells called convection which redistribute the air to flatten the potential temperature gradient.

If the velocity is such that absolute angular momentum increases with latitude away from the equator, then pressure must increase away from the equator to balance the Coriolis force, and fluid displaced northward would have a lower velocity than the surrounding fluid and be pushed further north by the pressure gradient. The equilibrium is said to be inertially unstable because the apparent force that pushes the fluid away from equilibrium is equivalent to the fluid continuing its motion in the absolute nonrotating reference frame. If the unstable condition exists over a large latitude range, then the equivalent of convective cells, called Taylor Vortices, redistributes the fluid to flatten the angular momentum gradient.

The following table summarizes the two instability mechanisms


Convection occurs when the potential temperature (theta) decreases with height. Rising fluid expands and cools as the pressure of the surrounding air decreases. It will be warmer (cooler) than the surrounding air if its potential temperature is greater (less) than that of the surrounding air.



Schematic of convection cells: Air with low potential temperature lying over air with high potential temperature is unstable. If it is disturbed slightly, the warm fluid will rise and the cold fluid will sink. The process organizes into cells.


A cicular flow is inertially unstable if angular momentum decreases with distance from the centre. The speed of a ring of fluid increases (decreases) if its radius is reduced (increased) in the same way as a figure skater spins faster when she brings her arms close to her body, but its angular momentum does not change.

Schematic of Taylor Vortices: The inner ring of fluid has greater angular momentum than the outer ring. The pressure at the radius of the outer ring keeps the fluid moving in a circle. If the fluid in the inner ring is displaced outwards, it will have a greater velocity, hence a greater centrifugal tendency, than the surrounding fluid, and the pressure field will no longer be able to keep it from moving further out. If disturbed, the inner fluid will move outward and the outer fluid will move inward (while still rotating around the axis). The Taylor Vortex state is features the fluid moving in a helical pattern about the axis of rotation.

A famous example of inertial instability occurs in flow between coaxial cylinders (Taylor-Couette flow). If the inner cylinder rotates fast enough, then the flow can become inertially unstable. The instability manifests itself in the form of vertical rolls (Taylor vortices) superposed on the tangential flow.

A similar phenomenon can occur in zonal (East-West) flows in the equatorial ocean and middle atmosphere. Since the radius of the fluid rings must increase towards the equator (to negotiate the spherical Earth), the system can become inertially unstable if the absolute angular momentum (i.e. including the contribution of the rotating Earth) is anywhere increasing with latitude. In this case, instability would result in the formation of vertical rolls in the meridional (North-South) direction.


Comparison of inertial instability in Taylor-Couette experiment and in earth's atmosphere. Note that the angular momentum gradient is radial in the Taylor-Couette experiment, but latitudinal in the atmosphere. This is because in the atmosphere, gravity and the pressure gradient force are approximately balanced in the radial direction so motion is almost entirely horizontal. As such, vertical gradients of angular momentum are less important than latitudinal gradients.

It is felt that the hydrostatic system might be particularly poor at representing equatorial inertial instability. Firstly, when using the hydrostatic system in a spherical domain, we are forced to consider the entire atmosphere (or ocean) as if it were at the same altitude (the shallow atmosphere approximation). This makes it insensitive to radial angular momentum gradients. Secondly, and more significantly, the component of the Earth's rotation vector in the horizontal plane is absent from the hydrostatic system. One of the signatures of inertial instability is the appearance of zonal jets that develop due to the Coriolis force (the apparent sideways force on moving objects viewed from a rotating reference frame) acting on the overturning fluid. Without the full Earth rotation vector, these jets would not develop in a realistic way (in numerical simulations, for example).

I am loosely affiliated with the Modelling of Global Chemistry for Climate initiative, and presented a short talk at the 9th Annual GCC Workshop (November, 2001) here at the University of Toronto.

Watch this space for progress, if any!

Last updated April 27th, 2004