Things I do

...that aren't science.

My research is going pretty ass-tackularly, because I can't concentrate. Also because most modern atmospheric physics is based on lies, justified with the frantic waving of hands and chanting, "It's all linear."

But if we look past the research, life is moving pretty fast and excitingly, and I'm actually accomplishing some things.

1. Fundraising and Planning for India. Check it out: we are having a big bad GARAGE SALE this Saturday, at the corner of Baldwin and Huron. At this colorful house:

Somehow, I ended up being in charge of this. I really hope it goes well.

2. Running.
I'm running again. My friend Danielle convinced me to do a marathon with her this year, as opposed to 2007 when I intend to (fingers are a crossin') graduate. Eeep.

3. Knitting.
I am almost done with the cute little cache-coer vest. That fancy edging (which you cant see, but it is there) was such a huge pain in the ass, I had like 3 anger attacks during it. Also, it's a bit too small, because I did not consider my boob size correctly when I chose the sizing. I don't want to unravel it, so I'm just hoping that the marathon training (I can't believe I just used the words "marathon" and "training" together) will take care of the extra body volume.

The red on the edge is going to come off - that's just scrap yarn holding my stitches for me. I know, right now this looks like something you would wear to a folk music show in 1971, but seriously, it's going to be very cute. Green!

Posted: Tue - April 5, 2005 at 09:31 AM        
