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My favourite Wilderness Sports
Here is a start on some great links on what keeps me sane.
Orienteering A great family sport that combines mental
and physical challenges. Children and Seniors can fully
participate. And for those so inclined, one can strive for
elite levels that average 9km/hour race speeds through
wilderness courses. Orienteering
Ontario is a first stop for locals while World of O has a list of instructional and
club links.
Whitewater Kayaking There is something special
about wild water. But it can also be dangerous. Take some
lessons. Find a trustworthy paddling buddy and
enjoy. Boatwerks provides a well-used paddling
board for making contacts, getting answers, and finding
used boats. Rock climbing A sport for
physical and mental conditioning, that depends as much on
technique as on physical strength. Kids love it and can
quickly excel. Rock provides a great first stop for making
contacts, checking out routes, and general info.
Cross-country skiing This is probably the best
total body workout there is, especially one that's fun. Good
technique makes a big difference so get some lessons from a
friend or club. Ken
Roberts Ski Skating and cross country skiing page has some
excellent descriptions on technique especially for the more
advanced skating styles.
Wilderness canoe tripping
Probably the wilderness family sport par excellence. Everybody
can work at their own pace and yet all stay together. Constant
proximity to water is especially appreciated by children. We've
started our kids on wilderness trips at the age two and less and
continue a tradition of a family trip every year. My own sanity
slowly recuperates during these extended vacations from civilization.
Those of us who live near lands that have been over-ridden by
ice-sheets of the last glacial cycle have the best opportunities.
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