Tel: (416) 978-4723. Fax: (416) 978-8905
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Satellite Measurement Techniques; Remote Sounding;
Atmospheric Radiation Studies; Global Change;
Spectral Lineshapes; Atmospheric Spectroscopy.
B.A., Oxford (1972); M.A., Oxford (1978); Ph.D., Oxford (1977).
Junior Research Fellow, Linacre College, Oxford (1977-1979);
Assistant Professor,(1979);
Associate Professor,(1984);
Visitor, National Center for Atmospheric Research, (1987);
Professor, (1992);
Industrial Research Chair in "Atmospheric Remote Sounding from Space",
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies (2002-2005);
Canada Research Chair in Remote Sounding of Atmospheres, Dalhousie University, (2006-);
Atmospheric Composition: remote measurements using balloons and satellites
Atmospheric Radiative Transfer: particularly as applied to remote sensing and atmospheric constituents
Measurements of Pollution In The Troposphere
MOPITT - An extremely significant
part of my research effort over many years has been devoted to the Measurements Of
Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument to measure carbon monoxide and
methane in the troposphere. I am the Principal Investigator for this project and I lead an
international team of co-investigators. The instrument is part of NASA's Earth
Observing System (EOS). The MOPITT project is directly funded by the Canadian
Space Agency and I sub-contract to industry for much of the engineering. MOPITT
was launched on 18th December 1999 and to date (late 2003) has performed
well in orbit. Here are some results. This map is a map of carbon
monoxide which is produced by burning things "badly". This map shows the
outflow from the biomass burning equatorial regions. Notice the long
"Streamer" of carbon monoxide coming off of the East Coast of Africa and finally
dissipating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!
Measurements of Ozone and Precursors from Space using SCISAT-1
Sub-Doppler Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Line Shape and Broadening Mechanisms