The workshop was held in Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto from the 7th to the 9th of January 2009. A group photograph from the workshop can be seen here.
The Arctic Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study (ARC-IONS)
took place in two phases between 1-21 April 2008, and 26 June - 12 July
2008, launching ozonesondes from 19 locations across North America.
This campaign followed on from two prior ozonesonde network studies: IONS-04 (March - September 2004); and IONS-06 (March - September 2006).
The themes of ARC-IONS and the proposed themes of the data workshop are:
evaluation of the role of stratosphere/troposphere exchange (STE) in the spring buildup of tropospheric ozone;
studies of boundary layer ozone depletions resulting from halogens released from sea salt deposited on Arctic sea ice;
the contribution to the tropospheric ozone budget from boreal forest fires and the extent of fire emission influence;
validation of Aura (TES, OMI) at high latitudes; of AQ models for ozone & STE, and of forest fire models.
The agenda for the workshop can be downloaded here (pdf format, 57 kb).
Presentations from the workshop are available online and can be downloaded through the following link, and brief notes from the workshop can be downloaded here (pdf, 123 kb)