Anomalous Sea Ice Conditions in the

Cosmonaut Sea during 1999

jump to current conditions
The embayment became noticable in late May as sea ice to the west of the region expanded.

Average Ice Conditions for the period May 26 to 30 1999.

How to interpret the images
Comparisons with typical ice concentrations show that with the exception of the embayment area, ice concentrations in the area during this period in 1979 are heavier than usual.

Climatological Ice Conditions for the period May 26 to 30 (based on data from 1979-1998).

How to interpret the images
In early June as the sea ice expanded outwards, the embayment became more pronounced.

Average Ice Conditions for the period June 5 to 9 1999.

How to interpret the images
In mid June, there was a remarkable growth in the size of the embayment. This may be a signature that oceanic convection was bringing warm water to the surface in this region.

Average Ice Conditions for the period June 15 to 19 1999.

How to interpret the images
By late June, there was consolidation of the ice cover to the West and East of the now very well pronounced embayment.

Average Ice Conditions for the period June 25 to 29 1999.

How to interpret the images
the embayment is still very pronounced. It is remarkable that this region has been able to remain ice free for over a month while the ice pack in the surrounding areas continued its expansion. It strongly suggests that convection in the ocean is acting to bring warm water to the surface allowing sea surface temperatures in the embayment to remain above freezing. There is some evidence that it is now begining to become enclosed and may be undergoing a transformation into a polynya.

Average Ice Conditions for the period July 5 to 9 1999.

How to interpret the images
In mid July, the embayment has become totally enclosed by sea ice resulting in the formation of a deep ocean polynya.
The anomalous sea ice conditions and the clouds over the polynya can also be seen on infra-red satellite images

Average Ice Conditions for the period July 10 to 14 1999.

How to interpret the images
Currently, the deep ocean polynya covers an area of approximately 130,000 square kilometers.
The anomalous sea ice conditions and the clouds over the polynya can also be seen on infra-red satellite images

Average Ice Conditions for the period July 15 to 19 1999.

How to interpret the images
The sea ice distribution that currently exists is remarkably different from the typical distribution at this time of year.

Climatological Ice Conditions for the period July 15 to 19 (based on data from 1979-1998).

How to interpret the images